【生產(chǎn)廠家】 廈門興銳達自動化設備有限公司
HP 8763B Coaxial Switch
HP Agilent E1497A V743 VXI
Agilent 04155-61622 Kelvin
Spirent / Netcom ML-7710 SmartBit Series
Lambda LPT 7202 Triple Power Output Power Supply
National Instruments GPIB-1014 VMEbus I
Lambda EMI EMS 13-75 DC Power Supply
HP 4951A opt 001
UTHE Technology Inc.10E
General Microwave N4240A RF Power Sensor w/ Manual
JDS Uniphase MTA 300
Tektronix 528A Waveb Monitor
HP 436A RF Power Meter w/ opt's 02 & 22
Narda 4700B Manual Step Attenuator 12.4 GHz
WILTRON 34RSN50 Coaxial 50 Ohm Adapter, 50 Ohm.
Narda 792FM 2-12.4 GHz Variable Attenuator
HP 70310-60016 Power Pack
HP 8761B Coaxial Switch, DC to 18 GHz, SPDT, 24 to 30 V
HP/Agilent 798C Coaxial Directional Coupler 3.7-8.3 GHz
Keithley 7001 2-Slot Multi-Purpose Mainframe
Wandel & Goltermann RFZ-14
HP/Agilent 789C Coaxial Directional Detector, 8 - 12.4G
Narda 3020 Dual Coaxial
Fluke 27/FM Digital Multimeter
Boonton 4200-5E Power Sensor w/ Cable
Spirent SmartBit ML-5710A
HP 44726A Arbitrary Waveb DAC
HP 44702B 13-BIT High-Speed Voltmeter for HP 3852/3A.
Narda 3024 Bi-Directional Coaxial Coupler 4-8 GHz
Bruel & Kjaer 4433 Sound Intensity Analyzer
HP 54112D Digitizing Oscilloscope
Leeds & Northrop 4223-B Standard
HP 11980A w/ opt 005 5.2km Delay Line
Lot of 5 Katadyn Survivor 35 Reverse Osmosis, New
Wayne Kerr PSG2400L Programmable RF Signal Generator
Continental Microwave WCK137-HP-TRL-D
HP Agilent 70311A Clock Source
Neslab RTE-101 Re-circulating Water Bath Chiller
PolyScience 633 Heated, Re-Circulating Chiller
Wavetek 178 Synthesized Waveb Generator w/ opt 002
HP 16191A Side Electrode SMD Test Fixture w/ opt's
TDI DLVP 130-110-1000 Dynaload
HP 83411C Lightwave Receiver, 300 kHz - 6 GHz opt 012
HP 83400A Lightwave Source, 300 kHz - 3 GHz opt 012
General Electric IB-10 AAA107 Watthour Meter Calibrator
Wavetek 4300 Mobile Service Tester,
HP E4480A Cerjac 156MTS Sonet Tester
HP Agilent 8756A Scalar Network Analyzer, 40 GHz
HP Agilent 37732A Telecom & Datacom Analyzer
Tektronix VX4332 40 Channel-2
Tektronix VX4820 Digital Test VXI Module
Neslab EX 411 Heated Circulating Water Bath
Solartron/Schlumberger 7060G
Marconi 2382
LeCroy LW410 Arbitrary Waveb Generator
HP 85050A-010 7MM cal Kit
Fluke 6060B Synth. Signal Generator, opt's 488 & 130
Consultronics DLS 90 Wireline Simulator
HP Agilent 6626A Precision Quad Output Power Supply
Tektronix SD-22 Low Noise Sampling Head Module
HP 85053A Verication Kit
Boonton 57518 Peak Power Sensor
VWR Scientific Model 1174
HP 6012B Digital Power Supply
HP/Agilent 81662A DFB Laser Module w/ opt 313
HP/Agilent 81662A DFB Laser Module w/ opt 325
Tektronix 1740 WaveForm Monitor w/opt 06
Bruel & Kjaer 1606 Vibration Preamplifier w/ Probe
HP 83410C Lightwave Receiver FC/PC
Agilent 6655A System DC Power Supply
Fluke DSP-100 Lan Cable Meter w/accy's
Druck DPI 500 Pressure Controller
Dicon GP700 FiberOptic Switch
Sorensen DCS 300-3.5 Digital DC Power Supply
Packard Filtermate 196 Harvester
Anritsu MW920A Optical
General Production Devices SP 2000
HP/Agilent 54620A Logic Analyzer
Power Ten 162C 0-100 V / 0-30A Power Supply
Thomas Type One Ohm Standard 4210
HP Agilent 83410B Lightwave Reciever w/ opt 012
Neslab RTE-210
Victory VUR-3-BT Salad-Sandwich Prep Unit
MTI 1000 Fotonic Sensor w/ MTI - 3802 Probe
Perkin Elmer Sec-4 Solvent
Powerbers 223-3194
HP 5087A Distribution Amplifier w/ opt 033
Fluke 5200A Programmable
Rohde & Schwarz NRV-Z33 Peak Power Sensor
Wandel & Goltermann TK-10 Probe
HP Agilent 11729B Carrier Noise Test Set, 18 GHz
Baird Ex-6500 Diffrb Spectrometer
ThermCraft Inc Ceramic Furnace
Unitek MicroPull 3 Wire Bond Pull
Amplifier Research 1W1000M4 Amplifier
Tektronix TR 503 Tracking Generator
Water Filtering System
Northern Ampower Model Mac 40-500 Power
HP / Agilent 41425A Analog Feedback Module
Analogic 2020 Polynominal Waveb Synthesizer
Precision Model 66800
Keithley 500A Measurement and Control System
Tektronics TFS2020
PPM Inc. R1L-E1 Milliohmeter w/ opt HTP-100
HP 70700A Digtizer Module
GR 1565-B & 1567 Sound
Tektronix 1750A NTSC
IEC Micromax Centrifuge
HP 11667BPower Divider
HP 85060C Electronic Calibration Control Unit
Fujikura FSM-05SV Arc Fusion Slicer w/opt 01
HP Agilent 85020B Directional Bridge
Fluke OC3P2S Hand-held ATM Tester
Solartron 7061 Multimeter
HP Agilent 37704A SONET Test Set
HP 4935A Opt 003
Hipotronic HD103 Hipot Insulation Tester
Rohde & Schwarz NRV-Z32