Note: there currently is no Keysight replacement product for the 5361B.
Imagine Your Counter Doing MORE…
“I never expected a frequency counter to do so much so fast!”
53200 Family of RF and Universal Frequency Counter/Timers
The 53230A Universal Frequency Counter/Timer offers optional basic burst microwave measurement capabilities up to 15 GHz.
The Keysight 5361B Pulse/CW Microwave Counter offers both high-precision pulse and CW perbance up to 40 GHz. With built-in frequency modulation profiling, the 5361B characterizes radar, EW, and communications systems or components. The counter makes complex measurements for the carrier frequency of agile signals, staggered PRIs, or the frequency transients in a pulsed or CW signal. It can be used to characterize radar pulses or test a Stable Local Oscillator (STALO). Functions for measuring step response, post-tuning drift, and settling time facilitate accurate and easy testing of VCOs and DTOs.
The 5361B helps lower your equipment costs by eliminating the need for a separate CW counter, pulse generator and computer, and is a cost-effective choice for manufacturing and R&D. High-speed throughput saves operator time, and periodic maintenance is limited to time base calibration.
更多儀器型號,請咨詢深圳市瑞普高電子有限公司 18588212958 曾小姐