美國禾威(WALCHEM)WPH410/420 pH/ORP自動添加控制器
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簡易安裝即插即用——預接線及NEMA 4X掛墻式外殼固定容易,已備有電源線及泵接線位減少安裝成本。另有工業(yè)級接線可供選擇。
以模擬圖表顯示與設定點的相距 / pH/ORP數值 / 警報及輸出端狀態(tài)。
美國禾威WCU410 & WNI鍍銅/蝕銅及鍍鎳自動添加控制器
美國禾威WPH410/420 系列pH/ORP自動添加控制器
美國禾威WEC/WDEC410 系列單及雙輸入式電導率控制器
美國禾威WPH410/420 系列pH/ORP自動添加控制器
美國禾威WALCHEM WPH310/WPH410系列(pH/ORP自動添加控制器) WPH系列pH/ORP在線控制器能有效地美國WALCHEM鍍銅WNI310系列現以統(tǒng)一升級為WCU410系列 本公司承接WPH310/WPH410的PH電極(190783)(51158)的維修和銷售配件,價格公道。并為客戶設計如何安裝成套系統(tǒng),培訓使用方法和重要的保養(yǎng)說明。以減低使用方的不必要的采購,加大使用壽命增加生產能力。 內置微處理器以簡單易用的菜單形式操作 WPH系列pH/ORP在線控制器能有效地增加生產能力。內置微處理器以簡單易用的菜單形式操作。WPH系列控制器能精確及可靠地測量出pH或mV值。多功能的輸出端組態(tài)允許用戶在同一控制器內編制多達4個輸出端的不同程序。 WPH系列控制器有兩種輸出端;機械式開關繼電器或直接控制計量泵的脈沖比例訊號。安裝簡易,只需拆下包裝、固定位置、接上聯機就可以。我們也有提供其它線路選擇來迎合閣下不同的需要。 范圍內輸出端;能在pH值受限內完美地控制電磁閥門排放出缸內一批已處理的溶液。范圍外警報器;一般應用在廢水處理,提示使用者pH值過高或過低。 數字式流量檢測掣輸入端;例如用在冷卻水塔加氯消毐水時檢測流量,防止在沒有取樣情況下錯誤添加液位檢測掣;可防止在空溶液缸錯誤控制。 4個繼電器控制,可設定全部為高位、低位或任何組合,盲點的控制全都可設定。內置微處理器以菜單形式控制——沒有電位計調校的需求,只需設定好設定點就能得到準確的結果省去重復調校及校準的不便。 PH或ORP測量能透過軟件菜單轉換——不需要另外再購買。
化學鎳 鍍鎳自動添加藥水控制器(WNI410 )
pH/ORP自動添加藥水控制器(WPH130/230 WPH410 WPH420 WDP410/420/440)
導電率自動添加藥水控制器(WEC410 WDEC410)
冷卻塔控制器(WCT400 WCT410)
鍋爐控制器(WBL400/410 WDB400 ) 冷凝控制器(WCM400 WDCM400)
Web Master ONE在線分析過程控制器
The WPH410/420 and WDP410/420/440 Series pH/ORP on-line process controllers are designed for a broad range of industrial, commercial, and munICipal water treatment applications. WPH controllers are easily configured to accuraby measure pH or mV (ORP) values from Walchem’s WEL and WDS differential combination electrodes, or any conventional combination electrode.
A versatile output configuration allows you to program up to four outputs in a variety of control modes. Select from on/off mechanical relays or pulse proportional control for direct connection to metering pumps. The easy-to-use menu bat and pre-wired, pre-mounted panel system options make set-up and installation quick and simple.
Integrated datalogging is available to validate system perbance. A USB memory stick is all that’s needed to extract data and event logs that include electrode measurements, temperature and relay status. Download log files from the USB stick to a PC at your convenience. It couldn’t be easier!
Versatility for a Broad Range of Applications
Select from pH or ORP measurements and from five output options. Use In-Range to control a solenoid valve to dump a batch treatment tank when measurement value is within limits, or program for Out-of-Range Alarm in waste treatment applications when the measurement value is too high or low.
Ideal for Harsh Environments
The NEMA 4X enclosure, combined with Walchem’s WEL and WDS electrodes, provides a waterproof system with no BNC connectors exposed to wet or corrosive environments.
Built-in Safety Features
Programmable output limit timers prevent run-away chemical addition. Digital Interlock Input may be used from a flow switch or level b to prevent chemical addition based on a stagnant sample, or control of an empty batch tank.
Simple, Integrated Data Collection
Download stored data from the controller to a USB stick with the press of a button. Use the data to simply and easily validate system perbance, document compliance, and reduce liability. The data and event logs show pH/ORP and temperature values, as well as accumulated chemical feed and relay activation times
Dual Input Reduces Cost
Dual pH or ORP electrode bs allow one controller to take the place of two, reducing cost and space requirements, and simplifying installation.
Walchem’s WEL Series electrodes are cost-effective differential pH and ORP electrodes for industrial applications. They are modular in design with a rugged CPVC housing which contains the electronics; pH and ORP cartridges can easily be connected or replaced in minutes without tools. The cartridges feature a unique threaded interlock connection and a double o-ring seal, ensuring a watertight fit and secure seating at all times.